Racing homer pigeon History

Racing homer pigeon History

  Homer Pigeons or Racing homer are very interesting birds in India and all over the world. They are different from other pigeons because they are able to find their way home when released from hundreds of miles away from home. The story of racing homer pigeons goes back to ancient times when these racing homer pigeons where used in battle fields to pass the messages back to home. Men first tamed and trained these homer pigeons thousands of years ago.

Doves and pigeons are put in the same family by scientific experts. There are more than twelve hundred kinds of pigeons. They live in every continent except the cold Antarctic, but mostly in the tropics where the largest and most beautiful pigeons are found.

India has always been a place for racing homer pigeons and racing homer pigeons fanciers. We can see hundreds of racing homer pigeons fanciers feeding, breeding and racing their racing homer all over India.

The homer pigeons and all other tame pigeons are descendants of wild pigeons, the common rock dove of southern Europe, northern Africa and western Asia and India. Perhaps the rock dove found it easier to get food in grain fields and to nest on the rafters of huts and barns. Pigeons can still be found living in this half-tamed way, nesting on ledges of buildings.

The domestic pigeons developed when man began to feed and shelter pigeons. As people took more interest in these pigeons, they started feeding and breeding them to produce more desirable pigeons. Pigeons were selected and bred for their beautiful or odd appearance. Finally, since homer pigeons find their way home from distant places, they have been bred for racing. These pigeons are known as racing homer.


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